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Meet the H.I.P. Team

Del Moore - Owner CEO

Del has been in the renovation business for 17+ years. You may have done business with him when he was Fish Creek Renos... if so you know you can count on Del to do a great job and on time.

Del and his right hand man Earle 

We don't have company "uniforms"... but great minds think alike!

Bonny-Mae Fibich - Designer/Organizer/Cleaner/Office Gal

Bonny-Mae works with clients to chose the right flooring, paint colours, cabinets or whatever is needed for the project.  She's a Master Organizer and loves to purge and clean.  Much of the time she is working behind the scenes coordinating jobs, shopping for materials, doing the books and taking care of Miss Daisy.

Miss Daisy 

Chief Wellness Officer

Supervisor & Safety Officer

Daisy's main job is keep morale up with her humans and provide wiggles at the end of a long day creating great projects for great clients.

All jobs are "Daisy approved". Mostly she approves from headquarters with her "iPawd" and occasionally she shows up on site, but only if she's welcome.

She is the only that "gets" to nap on the job and fully takes advantage of that!

Moby & Mabel

Meet the two workhorses that get us to your job on time with all our tools and materials. And usually with room leftover to haul away the garbage! We couldn't do it without them.

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